
Pages configuration

1. Position section of the modules list.

After activating all necessary modules you need to assign them to correct positions. In PrestaShop admin panel from the top menu select Modules > Positions. To place module in the required position just drag it to the position section of the modules list.

Module namePositionOrder
Categories block v2.0 Left column blocks 1
Layered navigation block v1.9.0 Left column blocks 2
New products block v1.5 Left column blocks 3
Manufacturers block v1 Left column blocks 4
Specials block v1.0 Left column blocks 5
Tags block v1.1 Left column blocks 6
Wishlist block v0.2 Left column blocks 7
CMS Block v1.3 Left column blocks 8
Viewed products block. v0.9 Left column blocks 9
Suppliers block v1 Left column blocks 10
My Account block v1.2 Left column blocks 11
TM HTML content v1.0 Left column blocks 12
minic slider v4.1.11 Homepage content 1
TM HTML content v1.0 Homepage content 2
Featured products on the homepage. v1.1 Homepage content 3
Language block v1.1 Top of pages 1
Currency block v0.1 Top of pages 2
Permanent links block v0.1 Top of pages 3
Quick search block v1.3 Top of pages 4
User info block v0.1 Top of pages 5
Cart block v1.3 Top of pages 6
Search engine keywords v1 Top of pages 7
Pages not found v1.1 Top of pages 8
CMS Block v1.3 Footer 1
My account block for your website's footer v1.3 Footer 2
TM HTML content v1.0 Footer 3
Social networking block v1.0 Footer 4
Data mining for statistics v1 Footer 5
Layered navigation block v1.9.0 Footer 6

2. Configuring images

In PrestaShop you can use predefined image dimensions for product images, category images, manufacturers etc.

For example, images of the 'home' dimensions are usually used for the category listing product images, 'large' for main product image on the product info page.

To configure product image dimensions, open your PrestaShop admin panel, go to Preferences > Images and set the image dimensions as displayed below:

PictureWidth (px)Height (px)
small_default 71 71
medium_default 155 155
large_default 368 368
thickbox_default 400 400
category_default 150 150
home_default 200 200
scene_default 520 189
m_scene_default 161 58